Easter, Unexpectedly

Embodying the Sacred

I read a great blog post by John Pavlovitz the other night that precisely captures how I feel about the Easter Triduum, once my most beloved time of year:

When your beliefs begin to shift or when doubt creeps in, those dates on the calendar that used to bring such joy, that once set the steady rhythm of your spiritual journey each year, suddenly don’t provide the familiar comfort they used to.

Instead of being more deeply connected to God and to your community of faith than ever during these highest of holy days, you tend to feel more like an orphan; a former insider pushed to the periphery of the party, no longer sure whether to jump back in again or walk away for good.”

We were just home from the Holy Thursday mass at our parish, and I remarked in the care on the varied emotions and reactions I experienced during the service. There is such…

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