Let Your Light Shine

Over a period of time now, I’ve struggled with fears and frustrations. Mostly over the political climate in America right now and of course with the day to day living of life. I’ve been struggling with my Facebook habit and how often I’m left frustrated, annoyed and yes, even angry. As well as, I must admit, the guilt and sometimes satisfaction I’ve gotten over evoking/provoking some of the stuff I see. I willingly and freely acknowledge my contribution to what I see on FB.

Last night, I  felt more than a bit frustrated and dismayed by an e-mail filled with political vitriol and venom, an email I knew from past experience I should have just deleted without opening. Then today I received such an uplift from several posts on FB.

By far the most uplifting was the video, ‘I’m Possible’ by Jeremy Cowart  (http://jeremycowart.com/) which touches upon so many poignant issues today and how the power of faith and the power of belief in one’s own self can combine and truly bring light to the darkness and allow individual stories to be told and seen in a way which indeed repairs the world and brings peace. Next, was a Purim related post by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, ‘The Theapeutic  Joy of Purim’ (http://www.rabbisacks.org/therapeutic-joy-purim-purim-5775/), although I’m not Jewish, speaks the truth once again of how the power of faith and purposeful resistance, even joyful celebration in face of evil dispels its darkness and allows for an attitude of life joyously lived instead of living overpowered by despair and fear. Followed by the the post of a friend facing an enormous personal struggle and how she was able to realize just how far she has progressed despite frustration along the journey. As my friend reiterates, getting past the frustration and anger takes perseverance and time as well as the support, encouragement and love of family, friends and a’legal order’, to borrow a phrase meant to convey a portion within beneficial limits, not over the top, of faith in God and yes, the ability one’s self has to repair God’s temple- again to borrow a phrase- which can easily be construed as the self and the world in which we live.

The world can indeed be and often is filled with hatred, violence, and discord of all shapes and forms. And, yes, even I have a hand in it. What’s most important is to recognize how I use my hands, my money, my prayers etc. I can let all the powers and principalities both spiritually and real drag me into despair and an ‘ I can’t’ attitude. Or I can realize I can, through my faith, with support from family, friends and even stranger, do all things possible and that fear can be turned into dancing; darkness can be overcome by one light that is my own. How much brighter and better our world will be when all of us become fellow pioneers on this journey of life, join hands and together dispel the darkness around us.


עושה שלום Make peace.

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